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Top 10 “Why Gif” That Everyone Used In Their Life!!!

Why Gif
Written by Sachin Sharma

Even the why gif (graphics interchange format) is becoming a ubiquitous fixture of contemporary networking, in many forms, while it is really a brassy trademark logo, or even perhaps a joyous ecard. More than that, it’s currently synonymous with all the’reaction gif’: a meticulous animated clip, usually to a mesmerising autoplay loop,” posted to communicate that a certain emotion.

All these gifs may possibly comprise music or film celebrities, animations, or even cats — and so they unveil a selection of expressions which are a very regular pattern, due to social media marketing: the’eye roster’, the’face-palm’, the’mic drop’.

Within a era of 24/7 advice, where there is pressure to be noticed, and an overall anticipation that individuals need to answer news in realtime, we must express some thing as rapidly and as you can — we state it together with gifs.

“They are perhaps not influenced by linguistic boundaries, and they’re so simple a young child may comprehend them”

why Gifs have a remarkably multi-generational extent, inside their own subjects (which can be prone to contain antique clips of Brando or even Monroe like Beyoncé, or even 80s-flavoured memes), and their own users.


Reasons Why You Need to Use Why GIF On Your Social-media Strategy:

GIFs are easy to share and consume: they’re animated unlike static photos but they are not as long as videos generally are. These are amusing: great humor spreads and becomes more uncontrollable.

GIFs are trendy and peppy: you spot a GIF anywhere and you are probably looking at something that’s trending (Super Bowl, Deadpool, Valentine’s day anyone?)


Here Are Reasons why GIFs utilized In Social Media:

Generally, gifs are used in social media due to these reasons which are given below:

  • GIFs make your social media profile look trendy, catchy and interesting.
  • They help you connect with your fans and followers in a new way because they convey emotions much better than text or photos or even videos.
  • GIFs add that required element of humor to your social media marketing strategy.
  • GIFs make it easy to communicate with your fans – you can stop fumbling for words.
  • They help you tap the latest trends and happenings to gain more interaction as well as new fans from across the globe.
  • GIFs are easy to share and spread through the interwebs; part of this is because a GIF takes much shorter time to be seen than a video but is kind of just as interesting.
  • They are easy to find and use! That’s the best thing. With a ton of resources (listed down below), you can find a GIF for every emotion you want to convey.

But “WHY GIF” is used when –

You express your hard feelings towards anyone. for  example – ” Why You Do This, Man??”



Here Are 10 Best “Why Gifs” That You Can Use Whenever You Need:

1. Tell Me Why



2. And Like Why? And Like, Don’t




3. But Why?



4. I Don’t Know Why?



5. A Very Big Why



6. Why Would You Do This To Me?



7. Tell Me, Why?



8. Why’d You Do That?



9. Why Do You Want Some?



10. Why What’s The Big Deal


Source: BBC

About the author

Sachin Sharma

Sachin Sharma is the Chief Editor of His passion is towards SEO, Online Marketing and blogging.

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